Beyond Reality: Unpacking Meta's latest AI and VR innovations

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In this episode, Dalton discusses Meta's AI and mixed reality advancements, focusing on the Llama 3 model and the newly announced Meta Horizon OS. He compares Llama 3 to other models and highlights its superior performance. Dalton also explores Llama 3's features, including text and image generation. He emphasizes Meta's commitment to open source and the potential impact of its technology on various industries. Additionally, he touches on the importance of AI in addressing issues like racism and election manipulation.


Meta, AI, mixed reality, Llama 3, Meta Horizon OS, open source, image generation, coding, security, closed source, industry leader


Meta's Llama 3 model outperforms its peers in performance and parameter size.
Llama 3 features text and image generation, providing users with a more personable and helpful AI experience.
Meta's commitment to open source and the upcoming Meta Horizon OS will shape the future of technology and mixed-reality devices.
AI has the potential to address issues like racism and election manipulation, and Meta aims to be at the forefront of developing responsible and powerful AI models.
The competition between open source and closed source models will have a significant impact on the industry, with Meta positioning itself as an industry leader.

Sound Bites

"I was honestly really impressed with the image generation."
"Meta wants to be the best open source model."
"Meta aims to protect against sophisticated adversaries like government and election meddling."


00:00 Introduction and Overview
10:44 Exploring Llama 3's Innovations
35:41 Meta's Strategy in AI and Open Source
47:24 Meta's Concerns and Future Outlook
58:13 Conclusion and Farewell

Links for additional information

Creators and Guests

Dalton Anderson
Dalton Anderson
I like to explore and build stuff.
Beyond Reality: Unpacking Meta's latest AI and VR innovations
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